2022 Sledgehammer Paintings, Journal Gallery, New York, NY
2018 Sledgehammer Paintings, Johannes Vogt Gallery, New York, NY
2015 Pause, Jack Barrett Gallery, New York, NY
2014 Abby Leigh: Works 2011/2013, Meridian Gallery, San Francisco, CA
2012 One Evening, Dieu Donné Papermill, New York, NY
2009 The Sleeper’s Eye, Betty Cuningham Gallery, New York, NY
2007 The Eye is the First Circle, Betty Cuningham Gallery, New York, NY
2007 Inner Circle, Evo Gallery, Santa Fe, NM, (with David Maisel)
2005 Systems, Betty Cuningham Gallery, New York, NY
2005 My Personal Atlas, Dieu Donné Papermill, New York, NY
2004 Mon Atlas Personnel, Galerie 14, Paris, France
2003 Eye Sprout, Stefan Stux Gallery , New York, NYC
2003 Ulivi, Contemporary Exhibition Hall, Bari, Italy
2002 Naturlig Mangfoldighed II, Midtsønderjyllands Museum, Gram Slot, Gram, Denmark
2001 Naturale Plurale, Accademia dei Georgofili, Uffizi Galleries, Florence, Italy
2001 Vies Secrètes, Chapelle de la Persévérance, Tarascon, France
2001 Blow-Up, Galerie 14, Paris, France
2001 First Fruits, Musées de Nice, Galerie de la Marine, Nice, France
2000 Eden, Maxwell Davidson Gallery, New York, NY
1999 Garden of Earthly Delights, Galleria Il Milione, Milan, Italy
1999 Hortus Clausus, Palazzo Ducale, Sabbionetta, Italy, (under the patronage of the Consulate General of the United States & the U.S.I.S.)
1998 Abby Leigh, Maxwell Davidson Gallery, New York, NY
1998 Abby Leigh, Acquerelli, Galleria del Leone, Venice, Italy
1997 Abby Leigh, Galleria Carlo Virgilio, Rome, Italy
1997 Abby Leigh, Alliance Francaise, Bologna, Italy
1996 Aquarelles, Museum of Contemporary Art, Issoudun, France
1995 Abby Leigh, Aquarelles, Chapelle de Pénitants Blancs, Vence, France
1985 Abby Leigh, Windows, A.M. Adler Fine Arts, New York, New York, NY
1982 Abby Leigh, Watercolors, A.M. Adler Fine Arts, New York, NY
1981 Abby Leigh, A.M. Adler Fine Arts, New York, NY